
1375 Virginia Drive, Suite 245  Ft. Washington, PA 19034

Phone/Member Login


Provider Benefit Description

Contact Information

542 Welfare and Pension Fund Eligibility, Hearing Aid Plan, Pension, Personal Information Changes 1-215-542-8211 (If you are dropping dependents: You must notify the Fund within 30 days of a family status change.)

Aetna Advantage

Medicare Advantage Plan, Prescription Drug Plan

(01/01/2022 to 12/31/2024)


Allied Trades Assistance Program (ATAP)

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Benefits – Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 1-800-258-6376
You must precertify treatment or benefits will not be paid.

Blue Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage Plan, Prescription Drug Plan

(01/01/2025 to present)


Central Pension Fund

International’s Pension Fund (for travelers and some C-Branch) 1-202-362-1000


Annuity Fund 1-833-569-2433 Empower’s website

Express Scripts

Prescription Drug Plan 1-800-467-2006

Fidelio Insurance Company

Dental Plan 1-800-262-4949

Independence Blue Cross

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Medical Plan In Philadelphia: 1-215-557-7577
Outside Philadelphia: 1-800-626-8144 You must pre-authorize certain services or penalties will apply.

Vision Benefits of America

Vision Plan 1-800-432-4966


  • The SUB benefit will be increased to $250 for weeks ending December through March.
  • Blue Medicare Advantage Plan starting January 1, 2025 instead of Aetna - Click here for mailer
  • Please take note regarding the SUB fund:  You must apply for benefits within 90 days of the Saturday of the week you are first unemployed and eligible for benefits.  Subsequent claims must be made within 90 days of the week -ending for which benefits are payable.
  • The Welfare Fund has been covering CDL Physicals since the start of 2018.  Click here for the requirements for reimbursement.
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents are Not covered by the Welfare Fund.  (Please talk to your insurance agent about increasing your medical coverage.)
  • Non-spousal Dependent Maternity is not covered.
  • Let us know when you: get Married or Divorced, have a child, or move.
  • When retired, our Health & Welfare plan (if eligible) requires you and/or your spouse to have Medicare A & B when eligible.